NMIN Alliance Representative will be helping the State of South Carolina employees along with the employees of School Systems, Colleges, Universities and Techs to understand their benefits provided by the State of South Carolina.
We will be covering both of the States Disability programs – Basic Disability Plan and the Supplemental Long Term Disability and explaining the pitfalls in both plans
For information Click Here and it will take you to the “New Products and Services” section
Also in the “New Products and services” section there is information on the Sure Card Health, Cancer Plan and the GAP enhancer which we will also be reviewing. The Sure Card Health and the GAP Enhancer can provide benefits and services to help with the deductibles and the co-insurance in the State Health Plan. The Cancer Plan is one of the best in the nation.
One of the benefits that you are hearing more and more of is Financial Wellness. We at NMIN Alliance have been helping employees understand their 401k, 403b. 457 and TSP along with their Voluntary and Core Benefits for over 35 years, so it’s not a new benefits for us. This service is extremely valuable and will provide unlimited leads for our Representatives.
If you are a licensed insurance agent please contact us for an appointment., or fill out the “Join the network” and we will contact you.