If you are a Federal Employee, this is what you’ve been looking for!
Of course, you are welcome to view and purchase any product on this site via the Quick Quote and Apply, but the following products and information have been designed just for you and work in conjunction with your Federal benefits.
Click Here for a brief 10-minute overview of your FEGLI, CSRS and FERS plan.
This video will open your eyes to what your benefits are and what you can do about protecting your valuable retirement and life insurance products.
We also have products that are not included in your Federal Benefits package such as:
- Dental Insurance
- Disability Insurance
- Critical Illness Insurance
Please look at the Quick Quote and Apply section under Federal & Military for more information.
For more information, please click here and one of our planners will contact you.
Financial Planning
The phrase conjures up running back and forth between accountants, attorneys, stock brokers and insurance agents trying to piece together a financial plan with individuals or companies that may or may not understand the needs of a Federal employee.
And, of course the phrase “Financial Planning” is over used and you’ve heard it all before. If you’re talking to an insurance agent – its insurance, a stock broker – stocks and bonds, a real estate agent – it’s real estate. They’re all needed, maybe, but how do you know what to do?
We have worked with Federal employee’s many years and feel we understand what your needs are. We understand how to establish a plan that is customized for you utilizing the benefits and retirement that are available to you through your employment such as FEGLI, CSRC and FERS and other products.
For your personal Financial Review, click here and one of our local planners will get back to you.